It is a little fats rather harmfully. Not surprisingly, researchers have found that the least desirable types of fats are artificial. They - the fats of the Transaction also known as gidrogeniziruyushchiysya from polyunsaturated of fats (which are good fats), they have been chemically changed by the food companies so that they remained firm at a room temperature (think of margarine). They are added to kuki, to doughnuts, and other products of process, and are used to make deserts cruder and crackers more comprehensible. Gidrogeniziruemye fats also extend working life of the processed baked products as cookies, kuki, crackers which can longer sit in shops before to become prorancid. Many commercially ready fried products as the fried potato, the Potato-fri, and onions call, I also contain a considerable quantity of these fats.
Researches show definitively that such fats lift your risk and heart troubles and a cancer. Many researches have found that the meal of such fats causes blood increase. Fats immediately after consumption, increasing risk of warm problems, and that Transaction, fat acids also cause fall of HDL-good cholesterol which can help to protect heart and arteries.
Negative effects of fats of Trena at last have started to admit formally the governments all over the world. Denmark has Transaction fats actually out of the law. Canada influences a similar interdiction. The United States demand now, that labels of products have listed quantity of fats of the Transaction, and the United States can soon outlaw these fats.
Effects of fat of the Transaction on the Liver
The researcher believes that that goes on a liver to make cholesterol and triglitseridy, two types fat stimulated with consumption of these fats. Besides, researchers have found in school of Harward of public health services that people who have eaten the majority of these fats also, had the majority of ignition in the bodies just as compressed blood vessels. Both from these factors can increase your possibilities of a developing heart trouble.
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